The months of April and May are very important months in the lives of your children and in the life of our school. Important State mandated NJASK tests will be administered to students in grades 5-8 beginning two weeks after we return from Spring vacation. In order to build your children’s motivation and increase their level of preparedness and confidence in taking the tests, we have implemented a school wide 20–Day Countdown to Success. Each day, teachers lead presentations and activities that focus on math and language arts literacy skills. Students are encouraged to take part in competitions during Morning Assembly and homeroom periods that give them the opportunity to strengthen their skills as well as win prizes for their participation in critical thinking and brain power building challenges.
YOU can help support us as we work to prepare your children for these tests by doing the following:
Ensure that your child arrives to school on time by 8:00 am, attends school every day, and stays in school until the designated dismissal time.
Ensure that your child completes quality homework assignments EVERY night.
Ensure that your child takes advantage of extra help and tutoring opportunities provided by his/her teachers. Make attendance at PEP a priority!
Support the school in reinforcing that your child follows all school rules, respects our teachers and does his/her part to maintain a focused and productive learning environment.
NJASK for 7th and 8th graders: April 27th, April 28th, April 29th, and April 30th
NJASK for 5th and 6th graders: May 3rd, May 4th, May 5th and May 6th